Hi there, I’m Pam
A long career as a school counselor, life coach, yoga instructor and practicing meditator brought me to the realization that I could be sharing what I love to do and help others at the same time enjoy the peace, calm, and clarity I have found in my life. I am thrilled to be able to apply my learning to a need I believe we all have: to be more mindful by staying attuned to the present. I teach practical and useful techniques to help people of all ages and backgrounds learn how to respond to situations rather than react, bringing about a sense of intention throughout their day and satisfaction in their lives.
Mindfulness techniques are known to rapidly and effectively reduce stress, anxiety, aggression, and depression by rewiring the brain and bringing in a calm clarity to any situation we may find ourselves in. Mindfulness practice helps individuals stay in the present and feel more in control of their thoughts and emotions thus enabling more control in choosing the direction of their life.
I’ve always believed that life is about growing and stretching the boundaries of knowledge and then reaching out for more! I consider myself a student of life and love to learn, teach, and share with others to make a difference in their lives. I am here to see the very best in others, support, and encourage them to acknowledge strengths they already have. As a team we will build from there!
I offer a variety of services online and in person that include life coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements. I invite you to contact me to learn more.
“Now is the future that you promised yourself last year, last month, last week. Now is the only moment you’ll ever really have. Mindfulness is about waking up to this”
Sample meditation
Healing the Past with a Fire Healing Meditation
Each of us has unresolved issues about our relationships that linger in our soul. People do not always say or do what is right, and it can seem impossible to heal that breach,particularly when those involved are unresponsive or have passed away.
The following fire meditation is a way to release pain and heal a past or present relationship or deal with unresolved personal issues. Through this type of exercise, it becomes possible to seek out reconciliation and forgiveness as well as rid yourself of the spiritual baggage that can come when you harbor emotional pain.
Begin by finding a quiet relaxing space. Breathe deeply and relax your body and mind.
When you have reached a state of relaxation envision a place where you feel most safe. This could be a beach, island, mountain top, or even your own bedroom. Take time to really see and experience your safe place. Smell the air, listen for sounds and feel the ground under you.
Once you are relaxed in your surroundings, envision a road. Look down it and watch for the arrival of whomever you wish to make peace with. Let this person come at any pace, and when your visitor is in full view let them know you are here to release your unresolved feelings and disappointments that you feel towards them. Look at yourself, how old are you? What are you wearing? Notice the heavy backpack of negative and unhappy feelings you are carrying. Now turn your attention towards your visitor. How old is your visitor and what do they look like? Do they carry a backpack as well? Notice the small details and take time to reacquaint yourself with them.
The next step is to envision a fire. It can be in any form you wish: a campfire, a ceremonial blaze or a bonfire. Throw your baggage into the flames and ask for the closure you are seeking. Release everything that you no longer desire for yourself or your visitor. If you are seeking forgiveness, ask your visitor to throw their backpack into the flames. You may wish to watch the flames spark and grow high before they settle back down, melting towards the ground and turn to ash. In doing this, you may feel your body temperature rise, or you may shake a bit, this is normal. Take as much time as you need.
When you are satisfied with your fire, release your visitor to turn and walk back down the road. Go back to your safe place and stay there as long as you wish. When you feel comfortable, open your eyes and note that a great weight has been lifted from you. You will feel a sense of completeness spread through your core.
Repeat this meditation as often as needed.
“Learn to be calm and you will always be happy. ”