New Years Meditation

New Years Meditation

Sit quietly, body upright, crown lifted, feet planted firmly on the ground.

Close your eyes or half mast them gazing at an inanimate object in front of you. 

Place hands on knees or lap.

Lean in to the relaxation.

Find your breath, repeat the rhythm of your breath, let it be the anchor you use during this meditation that brings your mind back to  the quiet space inside you.

Lean into the spaces of self care, self compassion and self connectedness.

Breathe in through your nose to the count of 4, hold for 4 counts then open your mouth exhaling all the breath inside of are cleansing your mind, body and soul of old energies, stories and paradigms. Repeat this 3x.

Now settle into the rhythm of a comfortable inhale and exhale through your nose, 4 breaths in, 4 breaths out.

Invite the turn of the year, with the shorter nights and lengthening days of sunlight to be the  first stepping stone to start your journey of connecting with that which you want in the depths of your heart, Turning down the volume of the mind...listen to the voice of the heart, the wisdom of the body...invite it to speak to you.

Ask yourself the following questions and let the answers float up from this new found quiet heart center without judgement or unnecessary contemplation from ego. 

  1. What is it that you are longing for from the inside..out?

  2. What is it that you are wanting from Yourself?

  3. What is the most extraordinary gift you could give yourself?

  4. What is your sankalpa ( sanskrit word meaning an intention formed by the heart and mind..a solemn vow, determination or will) desire for yourself as the New Year enters?

As the days get longer, the solstice spins and the New Year begins to bloom in her full glory..What are you wanting to give yourself? Let it emerge!

Let what you want to be, a blessing, a self blessing, the ultimate gift from you to you. Let it represent the unity of your mind, your body and your heart. This yearning, this blessing holds within it the seeds of your growth and your unfolding.

As you bless yourself in the return of light and days getting longer, ask yourself..

1.What will you do...What's one simple incremental step that you can take and repeat with consistency to create and recreate this pattern.

Neuroscience teaches that the brain changes not through the length of time, but through consistency. 5 to 7 minutes of meditation a day changes the chemistry of the brain. So...if that's true...what's the pattern that you are going to do on a daily basis to bring your attention into groundedness?

Your big intention might be “ I'm going to be more active” But what does that look like for you? What initial steps must you take to reach that goal?

Remember to make your actions:




For one week collect, chart and measure your behavior but do so mindfully with loving kindness towards self. At the end of the week assess your data , tweek it and recommit to next week.  This is a marathon, not a sprint. This is a “living active practice” that is not carved in stone….you are creating the type of life you want.

You are living a mindful are actively changing yourself and your neuroplasticity! Be proud and celebrate each step in becoming the person you crave to be :)


Just For Today

Just For Today

The way we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day.

This short visualization is a great way to set the stage for a fantastic day ahead of you ☺

Take a deep in breath and a full out breath letting any tension to be released from your body.

JFT….Just be mindful of your breath, notice the in breath, notice the out breath. Most importantly pay attention to the still point between the in and the out…the out and the in.

JFT…Just be aware of your thoughts. As each thought comes in ask it...who sent it and for what purpose? Who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening?

JFT…Remember that holding anger is like holding a hot coal and not throwing it. So if you have thoughts of revenge or of being wronged, just imagine you are standing at the top of a cliff and looking out at the sea, and throw the anger as far as you can let it sail into the air and let it drop into the sea.

JFT…Perform a random act of kindness. And with random acts of kindness the first thing is that they must be random and also the person you bestow the kindness on may not be the person that bestows the kindness to you. So, smile at a stranger, let somebody out in traffic, open a door for a stranger and notice how your random acts of kindness are nicely infectious and when performing them other people will copy you and pass them on.

JFT… Be thankful. Be thankful for mother earth that gives you the air to breathe around you and provides you the gravity to stand and be stable. Be thankful for all the gifts and serendipities that come your way.  And be thankful for the amazing experience of being alive and self aware on the planet.

JFT….Increase your knowledge. Learn the meaning of a new word, learn a new friend, pick up a new skill and with what you learn, take that newness out into the world and notice how in return that opens new doors and brings new opportunities your way.

JFT..Make a change. Be aware that the only constant is change. So do something new, go somewhere new, meet someone new and allow your world to change as a result.

JFT…. Be open to new possibilities. As you go through your day be mindful of your thoughts and keep a quiet mind and notice the signs and serendipities…remember to say thank you when they come along..When any adversity comes your way say thank you too for bringing you a lesson and the opportunity to grow.

JFT…Remember to shine your light and leave your mark upon the world. Leave a breadcrumb trail for others to follow.

Now open your eyes and remember to be mindful, timeful and kindful as you go about your day.



Making Malas…Finding Peace

Positive Affirmations

Last night was amazing. Truth be told, I was as much of a follower as I was a leader of the group. I had planned the nights agenda, readied the space with candlelight, materials and of course a bit of chocolate but the evening took on a special magic of its own. The intimate group that gathers on Monday Nights has started to become cohesive in it’s own beautiful and unique way.

I am so grateful to be part of this energy.


Last night we made our own Mala beads and talked about the neuroplasticity of the brain and how we can change old thinking patterns if we want to. We delved into exploring positive affirmations and the ancient practice of chant and how we can utilize it in our own busy lives.

There was sharing, laughter, caring and support for each other. It was everything I want to be part of and contribute towards.

I am living proof you can change, grow and create your own reality. All you’ve got to do is believe in yourself, set your intentions and maintain a laser sharp focus.

If you’re ready, I can show you how….shoot me an email at or hop onto my website for upcoming workshop opportunities and/or individual mentoring.

I look forward to hearing from you :)

Healing the Past

Fire Healing Meditation

Each of us has unresolved issues about our relationships that linger in our soul. People do not always say or do what is right, and it can seem impossible to heal that breach,particularly when those involved are unresponsive or have passed away.


The following fire meditation is a way to release pain and heal a past or present relationship or deal with unresolved personal issues. Through this type of exercise, it becomes possible to seek out reconciliation and forgiveness as well as rid yourself of the spiritual baggage that can come when you harbor emotional pain.

Begin by finding a quiet relaxing space. Breathe deeply and relax your body and mind.

When you have reached a state of relaxation envision a place where you feel most safe. This could be a beach, island, mountain top, or even your own bedroom. Take time to really see and experience your safe place. Smell the air, listen for sounds and feel the ground under you.

Once you are relaxed in your surroundings, envision a road. Look down it and watch for the arrival of whomever you wish to make peace with. Let this person come at any pace, and when your visitor is in full view let them know you are here to release your unresolved feelings and disappointments that you feel towards them. Look at yourself, how old are you? What are you wearing?  Notice the heavy backpack of negative and unhappy feelings you are carrying. Now turn your attention towards your visitor. How old is your visitor and what do they look like?  Do they carry a backpack as well? Notice the small details and take time to reacquaint yourself with them.

The next step is to envision a fire. It can be in any form you wish: a campfire, a ceremonial blaze or a bonfire. Throw your baggage into the flames and ask for the closure you are seeking. Release everything that you no longer desire for yourself or your visitor. If you are seeking forgiveness, ask your visitor to throw their backpack into the flames. You may wish to watch the flames spark and grow high before  they settle back down, melting towards the ground and turn to ash. In doing this, you may feel your body temperature rise, or you may shake a bit, this is normal. Take as much time as you need.

When you are satisfied with your fire, release your visitor to turn and walk back down the road. Go back to your safe place and stay there as long as you wish. When you feel comfortable, open your eyes and note that a great weight has been lifted from you. You will feel a sense of completeness spread through your core.

Repeat this meditation as often as needed until fully healed.

Salutations to Ganesha


This is such a fun and useful mantra. I have whispered it to myself many many times…it is a way to ask the Hindu God Ganesha to remove obstacles from your path. Honestly, it works but you have to be vigilant and believe in it and yourself. Answers don’t always come in a day and don’t always look like you imagined they would.

The way this is pronounced is..Aum…Gam..Gan..ah…Pa..Ta..Yay Na..Ma…Ha…

It is translated as: Salutations to Ganesha*

“O Ganesha, God with curved trunk of great stature, Whose brilliance is equal to 10 million suns. Grant me freedom from obstacles, in all things at all times.”

As always…your thoughts are the most powerful instrument in the Universe…focus,believe and have fun with it!