Just For Today

Just For Today

The way we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day.

This short visualization is a great way to set the stage for a fantastic day ahead of you ☺

Take a deep in breath and a full out breath letting any tension to be released from your body.

JFT….Just be mindful of your breath, notice the in breath, notice the out breath. Most importantly pay attention to the still point between the in and the out…the out and the in.

JFT…Just be aware of your thoughts. As each thought comes in ask it...who sent it and for what purpose? Who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening?

JFT…Remember that holding anger is like holding a hot coal and not throwing it. So if you have thoughts of revenge or of being wronged, just imagine you are standing at the top of a cliff and looking out at the sea, and throw the anger as far as you can let it sail into the air and let it drop into the sea.

JFT…Perform a random act of kindness. And with random acts of kindness the first thing is that they must be random and also the person you bestow the kindness on may not be the person that bestows the kindness to you. So, smile at a stranger, let somebody out in traffic, open a door for a stranger and notice how your random acts of kindness are nicely infectious and when performing them other people will copy you and pass them on.

JFT… Be thankful. Be thankful for mother earth that gives you the air to breathe around you and provides you the gravity to stand and be stable. Be thankful for all the gifts and serendipities that come your way.  And be thankful for the amazing experience of being alive and self aware on the planet.

JFT….Increase your knowledge. Learn the meaning of a new word, learn a new friend, pick up a new skill and with what you learn, take that newness out into the world and notice how in return that opens new doors and brings new opportunities your way.

JFT..Make a change. Be aware that the only constant is change. So do something new, go somewhere new, meet someone new and allow your world to change as a result.

JFT…. Be open to new possibilities. As you go through your day be mindful of your thoughts and keep a quiet mind and notice the signs and serendipities…remember to say thank you when they come along..When any adversity comes your way say thank you too for bringing you a lesson and the opportunity to grow.

JFT…Remember to shine your light and leave your mark upon the world. Leave a breadcrumb trail for others to follow.

Now open your eyes and remember to be mindful, timeful and kindful as you go about your day.